Accountable Care Organization (ACO) is
a healthcare organization composed of voluntary healthcare professionals that
include providers, healthcare professionals, hospitals, labs and practices, who
come together to perform quality care delivery service for Medicare eligible
candidates. EMR stands for Electronic Medical Record, and ACO must use an EMR
software to provide high quality service.
Let’s go through some of the ACO
features an EMR needs to accommodate.
Standards monitoring and proper
management tools, are not efficient in patient service feature in a lot of EMRs
out in the market. This result is inconsequential referential integrity when
using an EMR. It makes the tracking service of patients a headache or in other
words, an impossibility. Take an example. Patient service item is required to
be recorded in three sections: exam note, order and message. The verification
function from the exam note to the order is inefficiently performed quite
frequently, in an EMR while in an ACO’s patient service the tracking of the patient
is efficiently performed. It is done so by keeping a track of all events
derived from the patient visit or data gathered through contextual tools in
order to manage patient service.
Exchanges related to an ACO are entered
as miscellaneous message in an EMR. The information pertaining to Counterparty
Credit Risk transactions automatically comes in an EMR too, without a proper
audit trail. An EMR should be able to identify information accurately from the
EMR systems make Continuity of Care
Record comply with Meaningful Use, but fail to keep track of the lifecycle of
the record. Electronic transaction should be tracked in an EMR software to its source
efficiently, from authorization, claim and medical billing. The feature of ACO
needed in an EMR is the ability to track the CCR within the EMR software. It
will result in producing a proper patient note, and will transmit the visit
note to the source of the CCR, which will help in smoothly tracking the
There are many structural EMR issues
that remain unanswered in an ACO. It is by trial and error method, demand and
supply chain and by going to the basic functions repeatedly, the missing
features will be added. Since, the use EMR is a necessity of an ACO, EMR
vendors should try their best to adequately build the support structure needed
to provide the collaborative care ACO aims for. This can be made possible by
the combined effort of ACOs and EMR vendors who are interested in filling up
the gaps in their product.
Labels: EMR, EMR software